
ke článku: Návštěva Blackie
ze dne 20.10.2008, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 20.11.2013 19:32:15
Autor: fkhagkyth (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
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That won't be the major goal. Winning will be.Not being able to run the ball has Never stopped McCarthy before. He knows a team has to maintain a balance.The Skinny: The NFL officially announced Madonna will perform in the 2012 Super Bowl halftime show. Since Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction, one gets the feeling that the NFL consults with AARP before choosing an act. Speaking of the NFL, Monday headlines include the latest on the league negotiations for new TV deals with CBS, Fox and NBC.

Experts say that kids in particular will flock to the USS Constellation, the Navy's last allsail warship.Little ItalyEast of the Inner Harbor is Little Italy, home to some of Baltimore's oldest buildings. Old World restaurants and charming homes dominate the neighborhood. Every Friday in the summer, the neighborhood hosts Cinema al Fresco, during which the streets become an outdoor theater playing Italian and Italianthemed films.Fells PointFarther east of Little Italy is Fells Point.&q

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